Pop Corner: Grimes is back, Madonna has reached a certain age and Tom Hanks is hanging out with Carly Rae Jepsen

Grimes: “a bit like Haim in Tokyo, or a softer, more electronic Kylie”

Track of the week
Realiti by Grimes

Taking the dreamier elements of Genesis and pairing them with the poppier bits of Go, Realiti is the track Pop Corner has been waiting for Grimes to make. It sounds a bit like Haim in Tokyo, or a softer, more electronic Kylie – especially when the chorus rises to "oh baby, every morning there are mountains to climb". We can't get this off repeat.

Hero of the week is Demi Lovato, who told the Huffington Post that she wants a wider representation of bodies in the media. "I want people to have that balance in the media where they can see that you don't have to maintain an unrealistic idea of what beauty is to please other people. You can love who you are and what you have. But it's just about being healthy and feeling great in the body that you have."

Zero of the week is people who ask Madonna about her age. Madonna told the New York Times: "I don't think artists think about their age when they are creating, do they? I only think about it when other people bring it up." She went on: "Because I've been marginalised as a female in a male-dominated world, and we're in a sexist industry or a sexist world, I've always had to push against something or resist against something. I don't think I've ever been relaxed, if you know what I'm saying."

Justin Bieber news It's getting a bit much for Bieber. He told Men's Health magazine: "I wish I had the Batman thing where people didn't know I was Bruce Wayne. Like I had a costume or something." :-(


Now click here if you would like to see Tom Hanks star in a Carly Rae Jepsen video (of course you would).