Thérèse Fahy (piano)

Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin Sun Noon Adm free 01-2225550 Hugh Tinney (Piano) NCH, Dublin Wed 8pm 20 01-4170000

Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin Sun Noon Adm free 01-2225550 Hugh Tinney (Piano) NCH, Dublin Wed 8pm 20 01-4170000

Two Irish pianists offer somewhat idiosyncratic views of selected areas of repertoire this week.

On Sunday, Thérèse Fahy offers a programme of 21st- century Irish piano music in which no less than three of the seven works (Siobhán Cleary's Chaconne, Michael Holohan's Monainchaand Bill Whelan's The Currach) are test pieces from the Dublin International Piano Competition. The independent pieces are by Ronan Guilfoyle ( Jig Time), Jonathan Nangle ( Grow Quiet Gradually), Kevin O'Connell ( Céimeanna) and Ian Wilson (excerpts from his Stations).

Hugh Tinney's European Masterworks series comes to a conclusion at the National Concert Hall, with a programme contextualising Ravel's Gaspard de la nuitwith Debussy's Estampesand Images I, a Fauré nocturne, excerpts from Raymond Deane's Noctuary, and Tristan Murail's Mandragoreof 1993.

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor