Nail Polish: ‘I try to dodge the bullets of homophobic stereotypes’

Fighting Words 2021: A poem by Seán Machingure (18) from Rosary College, Dublin

Seán Machingure.

I try to barricade all the anger I feel,
and replace it with obedient submission instead,
As the floodgates of emotions slowly break inside my head.
I try to dodge the bullets of homophobic stereotypes towards my life,
but instead I get hit, repeatedly, like they just stabbed me with a knife.

It's not normal they say...
as they take my peace and my zen away.
What will others think? 'What!? Are you gay?'

The pain slowly takes over, and I cry one million tears,
All of this hurt destroys me, and it brings up all of my fears.
I drown a thousand times with all the shit I've been told,
I wonder "if I was younger would they leave me alone?"

I'm panicking so much I don't know what to say,
I scream into the stars… and then I awake.
I look at my son and answer his question without fail
"No kiddo, you don't have to be gay to paint your nails."

Fighting Words is an Irish charity that helps children and adults to develop their creative writing skills. This is part of their annual publication with The Irish Times