Painting a picture of arts prices during year

Volume 14 of the Irish Arts Review Yearbook has just been published and will certainly be keenly read, not least for its index…

Volume 14 of the Irish Arts Review Yearbook has just been published and will certainly be keenly read, not least for its index of prices paid for Irish paintings at auctions in London and Dublin during the past 12 months. In addition, there are the usual reviews of recently published art books and a retrospective diary of important exhibitions and cultural events in the country during the year. Features in the latest review include Peter Murray's assessment of new architectural awards, Eve McAulay's examination of Irish cinema design, Lismore's 18th century bridge which is considered by Jane Meredith, Irish quilts and silver in the Ulster Museum, scrutinised by Elizabeth McCrum and Elise Taylor respectively, and a review of Belfast artist John Campbell's work by Paul Larmour. Homan Potterton's editorial among other things looks at the legacy of former Minister for Arts and Culture, Michael D. Higgins, plus the implications of recent legislation concerning the arts and heritage.

The 1998 Irish Arts Review Yearbook is now available in the bookshops, priced £35 for the hardback edition and £22.50 for the soft-cover version.