Reader comments

I watched this show. My favourite bit was RSAG teaching kids to drum. But it’s far too contrived

I watched this show. My favourite bit was RSAG teaching kids to drum. But it's far too contrived. For a show that long, they could've at least played their songs in full – Philip

While I agree that the presenter was crap I thought the production company did a nice job. Now the fact that it's on at 11.30pm is a whole other bugbear - Aoife

I know what everyone wants: bring back MT-USA – petee

"Would it really cost RTÉ a huge amount of money to do a show that involved music videos, a few live performances and live/pre-recorded interviews, in the same vein as No Disco?


– sweetoblivion

If this show was to be made with no sponsor, no text messaging, no competition, and no RTÉ support/input, it would probably be thrown together for €500 and shown on YouTube. Where would that leave us? We’d have no exposure for these Irish bands in the first place.

The chosen format, especially the vote seems to be unpopular with certain bloggers but we have to be clear here. We could have made a program featuring musicians FOR musicians and listeners, but the voting format is a proven one, which increases viewership and we want these bands to be seen by as many people as possible – not the music scene only.

In regard to the download deal, we want to clear this up. Any artist that creates a song on the show owns their own song. 100% of the publishing belongs to the artist. As with any recording situation the show funds the process and takes part as a partner on the song for the same length as the TV deal (1 year). This is a 50/50 split between artists and production after expenses and fees come out of the download.

Thanks for the feedback

– Dez Ryan (Raw Sessions presenter)