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Summer survival tips

Summer survival tips

Know where your children are and know their friends' parents. Parents who share values around issues such as drugs, alcohol and dating can provide mutual support.

Young teenagers tend to sleep late and become active in the evening. They won't be occupied with homework as they are during the school year. Be prepared to come home from work and spend some fun, active time with the children.

Share supervision with other parents. It takes some organisation, but parents living in an area can agree to take turns supervising each other's children in the afternoons.


When considering an activity or camp as an option, ask the camp management about the supervision they offer.

What are the staff-to-camper ratios?

Can they guarantee that they will know where every child is at all times?

One parent told The Irish Times of how her two children left a camp premises unnoticed. She learned of their whereabouts when people who knew her telephoned to say they had the children.

If you're choosing a camp, don't pick it because it has long hours rather than an interesting and stimulating programme.