Sounding out noise terror

Now in its 11th year, Intermedia, the Triskel's interdisciplinary arts festival, has been condensed into a shorter than usual…

Now in its 11th year, Intermedia, the Triskel's interdisciplinary arts festival, has been condensed into a shorter than usual two weeks (a contiguous programme called Intermedia Offshoots will now run throughout the year). The programme this year is dominated by sound-based artworks and performances.

Pan Sonic headlined the opening event with support from Bruce Gilbert, FM Einheit (of Einsturzende Neubaten) and Casper Brotzman. Each to varying degrees tested human endurance of noise levels, as sheer industrial-noise terror reverberated around the auditorium and right through your ribcage.

While not exactly easy listening, Pan Sonic offered a more symphonic timbre, with intricate percussive noises skimming over hypnotic, thunderous bass phrases. An oscilloscope-like projection was linked to the sound: a single line, wavering during quieter moments, became pixelated fragments during the encore. After such a thunderous start, Pan Sonic's installation in Gallery 2 is altogether more sedate. Arranged on a shelf in the darkened space are 10 portable radios, all tuned to the same frequency. These spit out howl and hum feedback along with crackling background static.

A transmitter sends a signal to the radios, and may or may not be supplying sections of prerecorded playback - an impression given by the semblance of melodic and rhythmic structures that surface intermittently.


That said, the sound gives the sensation of being a purely live phenomenon, and therefore open to change. Either way, the effect is strangely arresting.

Runs until Thursday