Tale of three job sharers

Hazel Murphy (47) has 25 years' experience as a travel agent

Hazel Murphy (47) has 25 years' experience as a travel agent. She has not worked in a full-time position for 12 months and has found it impossible to break back into the travel business in a job-sharing capacity. She wants a job share which allows her to spend afternoon and the summer months with her two children.

Tina (40) (not her real name) is a solicitor who gave up work 10 years ago to raise a family. She would like to work mornings until 2 p.m. when her children are at school. She has thought of a change of career but does not want to go to a regular recruitment agency.

Colette (not her real name), who is in her early 50s, works in the pharmaceutical industry and wants to job share week on, week off "to get a life". She has a friend who works in the same company in a similar capacity who would also like to job share. They are afraid to approach their company, as they do not think their employers will see any advantages in their proposal.