Teacher unions plan strike action

THE threat of industrial unrest in education has grown with the decision by first and second level teachers to call strike action…

THE threat of industrial unrest in education has grown with the decision by first and second level teachers to call strike action.

With the talks on pay and conditions in stalemate, the Teachers' Union of Ireland has decided to picket all VEC offices next Wednesday.

The union then plans a rolling series of one day VEC strikes over its demand for appointments and promotions procedures for vocational school teachers.

Meanwhile, the executive of the Irish National Teachers' Organisation has decided to back industrial action by about 2,000 primary school principals who have teaching duties.


The union will consider strike action in the new year unless progress is made in talks with the Department of Education on providing additional resources and more time for administrative work for teaching principals.

"Many principals are so distracted by the need to ensure that sanitary facilities and heating systems are operational each morning that curricular needs do not get the necessary time," said the INTO general secretary, Senator Joe O'Toole.

The principal's job was becoming increasingly difficult he told the INTO education conference in Wexford. "Principals have for too long given the impression that they can cope with anything and everything. This `can do' attitude is going to grind principals and staff to dust. We can and must take a stand," he said.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.