The Comedy of Errors

THE COMEDY OF ERRORS: Abbey Theatre, Dublin Mar 31-May 2 7.30pm, Sat 2pm €22-€35/€15-€25

THE COMEDY OF ERRORS: Abbey Theatre, Dublin Mar 31-May 2 7.30pm, Sat 2pm €22-€35/€15-€25

It ranks high among his earlier, funnier stuff, but there's always been much more to Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errorsthan meets the eye.

Appearances are deceptive when two identical twins, separated at birth, cause havoc and confusion in downtown Ephesus, each circling the other unaware. To make matters more farcical, they both have a servant named Dromio, another pair of indistinguishable, unwitting twins.

In his now yearly Shakespeare productions for the Abbey, director Jason Byrne has found a Bard for all occasions, bringing the realpolitik of Julius Caesarto an election-addled Ireland and an achingly hip version of Romeo and Julietto woo the Valentine's crowd. At a time when identity theft is just one ingredient in a stew of cultural anxieties, this neatly plotted comedy of sundered families, divided selves and accidental husband swapping may touch on deep fears, but in its absurd sense of mischief it suits an audience that could really use a good laugh.


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Peter Crawley

Peter Crawley

Peter Crawley, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about theatre, television and other aspects of culture