The Labour Party

Labour is putting forward its strongest team ever in the European Parliament elections on June 11th

Labour is putting forward its strongest team ever in the European Parliament elections on June 11th. Labour is fielding high-calibre candidates in all four Euro-constituencies.

Labour's candidates Bernie Malone MEP, Prionsias De Rossa TD, Sean Butler, Paula Desmond, and Ger Gibbons are a blend of experience and ability unmatched by any other party. Our candidates have been campaigning on the ground for the last number of months and I will be joining them on the campaign trail over the coming weeks with the aim of ensure they will join Bernie Malone MEP in the European Parliament after polling day.

Our future lies more and more in Europe and in the creation of a strong and democratic European Union. We must create a people's Europe. A Europe which is democratic, socially responsible and strong.

We must promote economic and social cohesion, and ensure that all citizens have a fair share in the fruits of our prosperity. Job creation must be at the top of the European agenda. We are committed to promoting job opportunities for those without work through job programmes designed to help the young and the longterm unemployed. Labour is also committed to introduction of the single currency as it will stimulate growth and job creation. A sound euro will protect the people of Europe from currency speculation and allow for lower interest rates.


Labour will play its part in creating a citizen's Europe. We are committed to strengthening the rights of all people and to building a Europe where there is freedom, justice and equal rights for all.

Labour is committed to building close and strong co-operation in foreign policy and to enhancing Europe's capacity and means to prevent and resolve conflicts.

Labour is also committed to creating a clean environment throughout Europe. We are committed cutting emission of greenhouse gas emissions and to improving the quality and safety of our food.

The Labour Party is a member of the biggest political group in Europe - the party of European Socialists. Our sister parties are in 13 of the 15 Governments that make up the European Union.

On June 11th make sure you vote Labour for a strong team in the European Parliament.