Top price of £2,200 for mahogany bookcase

THOMAS P. Adams reports an exceptional attendance for last Tuesday's auction in Blackrock, Dublin, where there was a preponderance…

THOMAS P. Adams reports an exceptional attendance for last Tuesday's auction in Blackrock, Dublin, where there was a preponderance of private buyers. Best price of the day was made by a mahogany two door bookcase, which fetched £2,200, while a Georgian mahogany slopefront bureau sold for £2,100.

A Victorian mahogany dining table sold for £1,259, a Victorian mahogany slopefront bureau with Chippendale-style fitted interior fetched £1,150 and both a Victorian fielded mahogany secretaire and a Victorian mahogany bookcase made £1,050 An early 19th century giltwood convex mirror made £1,900, a set of six tub-style mahogany-frame dining chairs went under the hammer for £960 a set of six balloon-back dining chairs fetched £920 and a Victorian mahogany dining table sold for £800.