Hugh Masekela
NCH, Dublin 8pm nch.ie
The legendary South African trumpeter blazed a trail for African jazz in the 1960s and risked life and luxury to oppose the apartheid regime. His music expresses that uniquely poignant combination of struggle and joy, which he shares with other greats such as John Coltrane. This 75th birthday performance is dedicated to the memory of his friend Nelson Mandela, in the cause of whose release Masekela was tireless. With support from Irish-Nigerian group Tig Linn.
The Missing Gun
QFT, Belfast 6.30pm queensfilmtheatre.com
Lu Chuan's debut feature from 2002, a smash hit in its native China, plays a riff on Akira Kurosawa's Stray Dog, as a small-town cop (the brilliant Jiang Wen, right) attempts to track down the revolver he misplaced during an evening of drunken shenanigans at his sister's wedding. The excellent Century of Chinese Cinema season continues at the QFT.
THEATRE Our Few and Evil Days
The Abbey, Dublin 7.30pm abbeytheatre.ie
Mark O'Rowe's first play in seven years marks a departure for the Dublin writer best known for his lyrical, elliptical monologues and evocative underworlds. It isn't that Rowe has returned to dialogues, but that he constructs them with such coiling realism, played out on a domestic set so utterly intact it feels as though you've trespassed. But O'Rowe is still a sensationalist at heart. As Sinéad Cusack, Ciarán Hinds and Tom Vaughan- Lawlor edge towards supernaturalism, the play becomes something else entirely; a dark dreamscape in our waking moments.