The QI Elves quiz: How long is the longest human nipple hair, and other questions

The QI elves have collected their favourite facts for their latest book. Here are 25 of them – and what is going on in Northern Ireland at No 20?

Was Steve Jobs scared of buttoons? Maybe that's why the iPhone only has one...

At QI Towers we are constantly searching for incredible facts to use in our BBC 2 TV series QI, our sister BBC Radio 4 programme The Museum of Curiosity, our weekly podcast No Such Thing as a Fish and spinoff BBC2 programme No Such Thing as the News. We have collected our favourite facts from the last year into our latest book, 1,342 QI Facts to Leave You Flabbergasted. Below are 25 of our favourite facts from the book – but some of them have been meddled with. Can you tell which are true and which are false? Good luck. 1,342 QI Facts to Leave You Flabbergasted is out now. Catch the new series of QI at 10pm on Fridays on BBC 2 and the extended XL version on Sundays

Did these heroes coin the term ’Cowabunga’?