Teddy Bears Picnic at Killruddery Gardens
Killruddery Gardens, Southern Cross Road, Bray, 11am-5pm, €6.50 adults/€2 children under 12/chldren under 4 go free
Eat, laugh and play all day on the lawns at Killruddery as Mr & Mrs Bear host the do-not-miss event of the season for teddies and their friends. There'll be live music and lots of cool no-need-to-plug-in toys such as hula hoops, balls and giant draughts. Unwell teddies are welcome too, and can get a check-up at the pop-up Teddy Bears' Hospital.
Bring your teddies together to picnic, laugh and lay about all day on the lawns at Killruddery while acoustic music wafts over the Gardens. Our own Mr. & Mrs. Bear will be there to meet all teddies and their proud owners, young and old. Traditional toys are there for kids to play with – hula hoops, balls, giant draughts and more! For those teddies who are feeling a little poorly, visit the free Teddy Bears’ Hospital where our qualified nurses and doctors will do their best to make all teddies as happy as the day they were born. Our annual Teddy Bears’ Picnic has become one of our most popular family events of the year. - See more at: http://www.killruddery.com/whats-on/#sthash.SyJP7vUe.dpuf
Bring your teddies together to picnic, laugh and lay about all day on the lawns at Killruddery while acoustic music wafts over the Gardens. Our own Mr. & Mrs. Bear will be there to meet all teddies and their proud owners, young and old. Traditional toys are there for kids to play with – hula hoops, balls, giant draughts and more! For those teddies who are feeling a little poorly, visit the free Teddy Bears’ Hospital where our qualified nurses and doctors will do their best to make all teddies as happy as the day they were born. Our annual Teddy Bears’ Picnic has become one of our most popular family events of the year. - See more at: http://www.killruddery.com/whats-on/#sthash.SyJP7vUe.dpuf

Don McLean
Vicar Street, Dublin 7.30pm €50/€42
We are reminded of Big Train's sketch about an audience rebelling against Ralph McTell singing any song other than Streets of London. Say hello, then, to the creator of classic 1970s folk/pop songs such as American Pie and Vincent. McLean has written loads of others, mind, but can you name any?
15 Years of EXIT
Opium Rooms Dublin 11pm €15
Serbia's finest music event celebrates a decade and a half on the festival circuit this summer with the 15 Years of EXIT tour. Acts in Dublin include Klangkarussell (the Austrian dudes behind that Sonnentanz belter from a few summers ago), Se7en, Deece and the Abstract DJs.
Hot Since 82
Button Factory, Dublin 11pm €10
These are good times for the lad from Barnsley. Over the last few years, Daley Padley has scored large with a rake of productions and remixes which are perfectly pitched and finely tuned for the kind of house music in vogue at the moment. on dancefloors and radio airwaves. Check his Knee Deep In Sound mix album from late last year for a taste of his deep, emotional sound with its rubs of classic house and tech.
Anne Marie O'Farrell
12 Henrietta Street, Dublin 4.30pm €15
Partnering an instrument, musician and venue with an ear and eye to detail is tricky, but this final concert in the current Irish Composers series features the beautiful harp playing of Anne Marie O'Farrell (on both pedal and Irish harps). O'Farrell has proven herself as both a performer and composer, as her recent recordings with Cormac de Barra have attested.