Nigel Mooney Organ Trio w/ Jim Mullen & Hugh Buckley
Billy Byrnes, Kilkenny 9pm €12, billybyrnes.com
Nigel Mooney's (right) 2014 release, The Bohemian Mooney, was voted jazz album of the year by Ticket readers. Now, to celebrate the memory of Grant Green – the great Blue Note guitarist who inspired a generation of funk and hip-hop artists – the popular singer and guitarist has put together a powerful three guitars plus Hammond organ and drums show. There's a special appearance from fluent Glasgow guitarist Jim Mullen, who rose to fame in the 1970s with the Average White Band. Tour continues next week to Dublin and Belfast.
Green on Red Gallery, Spencer Dock, Dublin Until Aug 8 greenonredgallery.com
Kant argued that art is purposive without having a purpose. Caroline McCarthy is reclaiming that stance, questioning the “increasing demand on art to justify itself in terms of economic or social outcomes”. She begins with functional objects and materials, and transforms them into something else, shedding their utilitarian dimension but gaining another.