An interactive map of schools' rates of progression to Irish colleges, since 2007

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Data is compiled from the Irish Times feeder school data and combined with additional data from the Department of Education, such as the co-ordinates of each secondary level school so that representations can be layered on top of an interactive map of Ireland.

  • This interactive map, compiled from Irish Times feeder school data, shows Republic of Ireland schools' rates of progression to colleges on the island of Ireland since 2007. You can search for an individual school, or type of school, or schools in a particular area, to track rates of progression to third level colleges.
  • Each circle with a number represents a geographical area with the indicated number of schools in it.
  • Click on these clusters to drill down to more specific regions until you can select individual schools.Individual schools are represented by smaller circles, at the schools' geographic locations, which are colour-coded based on the progression rate to college of its students.
  • Clicking on the school opens a page, showing its third level progression rate since 2007 on a graph, the colleges its students went on to, and inspection reports on that school.
  • Alternatively, you can search for schools by name or any combination of the filters (year, types of third-level college, ethos, gender, fee-paying or not, etc).
  • You can also search based on geographic location: right-click any point on the map and you'll see the 10 schools closest to that location.
  • Why do some schools show a progression rate of over 100 per cent? The figures published here include every student who started in higher education this year - including those who sat their Leaving Cert prior to this year. They may include mature students, those progressing from further education or students who have deferred. When these students are added to the number who sat their Leaving Cert this year, it can exceed 100 per cent.