Potato and caramelised onion tortilla

Potato and caramelised onion tortilla. Photograph :Lilly Higgins
Serves: 4
Course: Main
Cooking Time: 30 mins
Prep Time: 10 mins


  • Olive oil
  • 5 large free range eggs
  • 5-6 (250g) new potatoes, cooked and cooled
  • 2tbsp caramelised onion relish
  • 3 sprigs thyme
  • Salt and black pepper

1 Remove any skin from the cooked potatoes and slice thickly.

2 Whisk the eggs in a bowl and season well with the salt and black pepper. Add the onion relish and half of the thyme leaves. Whisk to combine.

3 Place 4 tbsp olive oil in a non-stick pan and heat. Add the potato slices and fry on one side until coloured. Flip the potato slices over, then pour on the egg.

4 Lower the heat and place a lid over the frying pan to help cook the top. Leave to cook gently for 15 minutes. Check that the centre of the tortilla is cooked. Increase the heat and place the lid on to help it finish cooking if it’s not fully done.

5 Once the top is set, flip the tortilla onto a plate and scatter with the remaining thyme. Cut into slices and serve with a green salad.

Lilly Higgins

Lilly Higgins

Lilly Higgins, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a food writer