Most people expect another Covid-19 wave this year, survey finds

Vast majority of people believe Ireland is better prepared for another pandemic because of Covid experience

Three in five people believe there will be another Covid-19 wave this year, according to a new survey.

Some 58 per cent of people surveyed by market research firm Ipsos for the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association believe that another significant rise in Covid-19 cases is either fairly likely or very likely this year. Just 28 per cent of people believe a sharp increase is unlikely.

The telephone survey of 1,004 adults, conducted during the first two weeks in September, found that 84 per cent believe Ireland would be better prepared for another pandemic due to its experience with Covid-19.

Feeling of protection

Some 70 per cent of those surveyed said they believed medical science could deal with future Covid-19 variants while 68 per cent said they would feel protected against the disease if there was another wave of infection. The research for the pharmaceutical industry group found that trust in vaccines remains high with 79 per cent of people saying that vaccines are effective.


Some 91 per cent of people said they had been vaccinated for Covid-19 with 44 per cent saying they had two or more booster doses. About one in three have received a single booster.

“Public trust in vaccination remains high and our experience of living through Covid-19 gives us confidence in dealing with another pandemic,” said Michael O’Connell, president of the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association. “But Covid-19 is still with us so it is encouraging to find that most people believe in the ability of medical science to response to new variants.”

Simon Carswell

Simon Carswell

Simon Carswell is News Editor of The Irish Times