Huge increase in cocaine use, particularly among women, research shows

Record number of drug treatment cases, according to the Health Research Board

More than one in five of those who sought treatment for powder cocaine were women, two in five were employed and the median age was 31.

Some 13,104 drug treatment cases were recorded last year, the highest on record, while there has been a sharp increase in cocaine use, particularly among women, according to the Health Research Board (HRB).

Last year saw an increase of 1,095 cases when compared with 2022, with cocaine accounting for one in three cases followed by opioids (mainly heroin), cannabis and benzodiazepines.

Some 4,923 cases recorded cocaine as the main drug, though the majority of cases in 2023 (59 per cent) involved polydrug use.

The record number of cases is the result of the sharp rise in cocaine use and an increase in the provision of specific services to treat it, according to Dr Mairéad O’Driscoll, chief executive of the HRB.


Since 2017, there has been a 228 per cent increase in the number of cases where cocaine was the main problem drug. Powder cocaine increased by 197 per cent, and crack cocaine increased by 594 per cent.

In the same period, there was a 388 per cent increase in women seeking treatment for cocaine use, from 284 cases in 2017 to 1,387 cases in 2023.

More than one in five of those who sought treatment for powder cocaine were women, two in five were employed and the median age was 31.

For cases with crack cocaine as the main problem, nearly half were women, just over one-in-20 were employed, and the median age was 39 years.

Cocaine is also the most common drug reported among new cases entering drug treatment. In contrast, the proportion of new cases reporting cannabis or opioids as their main problem drug has decreased.

However, opioids remain the leading problem for those returning to drug treatment, while there is a steady increase in the number of cocaine cases returning for treatment.

The number of those injecting has also increased, from 2,264 in 2021 to 2,659 in 2023. Some 40 per cent of those who have injected reported sharing needles or syringes.

Dr Anne Martie Carew, research officer at the HRB, described the sharp increase in cocaine cases among women as a “concern”, one which highlights a growing need for prevention measures, especially around crack cocaine.

“Females entering drug treatment are more likely to be living with dependent children. Understanding the complex issues they face will help to identify the integrated services they require to address their specific situations,” she said.

She said the rise in cocaine use in general is changing the landscape in terms of treatment demand in Ireland.

“Cocaine is the main problem drug for nearly half of new cases to treatment, but also one in three cases returning to treatment.

“This is compounded by the fact cocaine is also the second most common additional drug that people seek treatment for along with another drug. This points to a growing future need for treatment for cocaine,” she said.

Jack White

Jack White

Jack White is a reporter for The Irish Times