‘The dog tore the face off him’: Boy left with 30 stitches after dog attack in Limerick last week

Jackson Flynn (8) ‘lucky’ to be alive, says his father, after his head was grabbed by a dog and locked in the animal’s jaws

A father of a boy who was savaged by a dog in Limerick on Thursday spoke of the horror which left his son with 30 stitches to his face.

Joe Flynn (58) said his son Jackson (8) is “lucky” to be alive, after his head was grabbed by a dog and locked in the animal’s jaws last Wednesday, May 29th.

Mr Flynn said the death of 23-year-old Nicole Morey, was mauled to death by her dogs last Tuesday night, prompted him to go public about the dog attack on his son, and to warn the public to be vigilant of any type of dog.

Mr Flynn said the dog that attacked his son was not a large dog, nor one that appeared to be on any restricted breed lists.


However, he warned the terrier type dog nonetheless, caused serous damage to his son’s face, and the attack has “traumatised” his son as well and his six-year-old sister who also witnessed the attack in the People’s Park in Limerick City.

“We love going to the People’s Park, it’s great, the staff there and the park rangers are brilliant, and my young lad loved dogs and he always asked to pet a dog in the park, and he would give them a fast rub and let the dog lick his face,” Mr Flynn explained.

However, the family’s afternoon stroll n the park turned into a nightmare when the dog latched on to the boy’s face when he tried to pet the animal.

“There was a black terrier type of dog, some mad mixed breed, and my son went over and put his hand down to rub the dog. The dog was sitting down without a leash, with his tongue hanging out, and he (my son) went to rub the dog and the dog just locked on to his face.”

“The dog tore the face off him. I’m not a religious person but I’m still thankful because if the dog got [my son] in the neck and hit a vital vein, he might have bled out.”

Jackson underwent reconstructive facial surgery at University Hospital Limerick after the attack.

“The dog bit him, and locked on to him, and then the dog let go and ran off.”

“We got an awful fright, it was so traumatic, my daughter was screaming, my kids don’t ever want to look at a dog again.”

“The dog was not on a leash at all. The (park) staff were saying there is an awful problem with dogs in there, with people leaving their dogs off a leash.”

“How lucky were we? God forbid the next family isn’t as lucky, because it is going to happen again.”

Mr Flynn praised staff at University Hospital Limerick for their “brilliant” response and treatment of his son.

“I want to highlight the help we got at the hospital, I know it has [overcrowding] problems but they treated my child very quickly and very well.”

“He got 30 stitches, he’s still, obviously sore. He always wanted a dog but he doesn’t want anything to do with a dog now.”

Mr Flynn warned parents: “Don’t let your child go near a dog because you don’t know about the dog. Think twice.”

Asked if he would be in favour of banning certain dogs from Ireland, he said it would be better if owners were more educated about managing their dogs.

Meanwhile, gardaí at Roxboro Road, Limerick have appealed for information about the dog attack on Ms Morey.

When Gardaí arrived at Ms Morey’s house in Fedamore late Tuesday night they encountered four aggressive dogs. A member of the armed Garda Emergency Response Unit (ERU) shot one of the dogs, and three others had to be restrained.

It’s understood Ms Morey was killed by her pet XL Bully dog. Videos circulating online show her dancing with a similar type dog, and friends and family said she had treated the animals “like her children”.

Ms Morey’s family were to hold a vigil in her memory and release balloons into the sky later this Thursday evening.

On Wednesday, Gardaí asked the public not to share video footage of the fatal dog attack, which was apparently recorded on a security camera at the scene, and which was circulating on social media.

According to a death notice published online, Ms Morey, of Bawnmmore View, Crossagalla, Limerick City, was recently predeceased by her grandparents Patrick O’Donnell Senior and Marie Morey, and is survived by her parents Lisa and Patrick, stepparents Joseph and Nicola, as well as brothers, sisters and extended family and friends.

A postmortem was due to be carried out on Ms Morey’s remains at UHL.

Gardaí notified the office of the Limerick City and County Coroner to arrange for an inquest hearing into determining the cause of her death.