Higher education courses rolled out for students with an intellectual disability

The courses are to be delivered in 10 higher education colleges across the country

Minister for Further and Higher Education Simon Harris: 'For far too long, people with an intellectual disability have been invisible. Today that changes.' Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

A total of 10 higher education courses for students with an intellectual disability will be rolled out in the coming academic year, the Department for Further and Higher Education has announced.

The courses are to be delivered in 10 higher education colleges across the country.

A fund of €1.8 million has also been announced to be used for the roll-out of sensory maps of college campuses to support autistic learners and for antiracism measures, particularly to challenge racism against members of the Traveller and Roma communities.

The programmes are due to begin in the next academic year.


About 150 students can be expected to enrol in the first year, the department said.

Under the initiative, the courses will be between one and two years in length. The student will apply directly to the college involved and can avail of specific pastoral and financial supports.

Speaking on Thursday, Minister for Further and Higher Education Simon Harris said: “For far too long, people with an intellectual disability have been invisible. Today, that changes. Today we send a message that these learners can and must take their place among our college communities”.

“That is why we are announcing over €10 million today to open up our higher education system to learners with an intellectual disability,” he said.

“Until now, courses have been limited in location and availability but this investment will help change that and ensure there is equality of opportunity for every person in our country.”

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Jade Wilson

Jade Wilson

Jade Wilson is a reporter for The Irish Times