Beauty tips and tricks: Sparkle like a Kardashian

A little highlighter goes a long way in lifting your face

Kim Kardashian. Photograph: Rick Diamond/Getty Images

Eimear Hutchinson, who blogs at

While traditionally we looked to the catwalks for inspiration, beauty influencers such as the Kardashians and bloggers are increasingly showing the way when it comes to the latest beauty crazes. Elements of the latest trends can be incorporated into even your most simple of beauty looks.

A little highlighter goes a long way in lifting your face. Apply it in a C shape along the top of your cheekbones, around your temple to just under your eyebrow. My all-time favourite highlighter is The Balm's Mary-Lou Manizer (€20.50). This beautiful champagne- coloured highlighter is perfect for day and night and gives you a beautiful, healthy glow without any glitter.

Countouring is a relatively new mainstream technique. I like to include a very subtle contour to my night-time beauty look to add some definition to my face. There are lots of different products out there for contouring. Inglot has a brilliant range of shades (€10), but any light matte bronzer will work. Hold your contouring brush from the corner of your mouth to the middle of your ear, then use this line as a guide to where to apply your contour. Follow this line from your ear to just under the outer part of your eye using less than you think you should, otherwise it could end up looking like dirt – a look no beauty influencer is championing just yet.

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