Beauty tips: Keep lips from drying out with a balm and toothbrush

Whatever you do, don’t lick your lips

Photograph: Thinkstock

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’Tis the season to be . . . No, I’m not going to go there just yet, but it is the season to be kind to your lips. Lips comprise thin surface layers of skin, so they have a tendency to dry out and require more moisture to keep them soft. When our lips are dry, the natural response is to lick them to relieve the tightness associated with dryness. However, the moisture from saliva evaporates creating more dryness and exacerbating the problem.

A lip balm can protect the thin layers of delicate skin and keep them hydrated, especially if you are exposed to cold, dry temperatures outdoors and air-conditioned heating systems inside.

Look for lip balms that contain natural emollients or ointments such as shea butter, coconut oil and lanolin.

Lanolin is most commonly associated with nipple creams for nursing mothers but it’s also one of the most widely used lip products among the fashion elite.


In recent years Dr Lipp Original Nipple Balm (€16.56) has become a popular and trendy cream for both the lips and keeping eyebrows in shape.

Lansinoh (€10.56) is a slightly less fashionable alternative which serves the same function but without the hefty price tag. Gently exfoliating your lips before bed with a dry toothbrush will remove dead skin to speed up healing.