This week we meet Kaitlyn Burke, NCAD student. Just because it is winter does not mean we have to lock away our colourful treads. Keep it bright and cheerful it will scare away the winter blues!
1/2 Coat So our winter coat is very important. There is a serious nip in the air now and our coat is our main outfit statement for the winter. In recent years I have gotten very fed up with my plain grey/black/navy coat so thank god this year there is much more variety about. The best part is, there is options to suit all budgets from lotto winners to penny pinchers! Many dollars (1): Berhard Willhelm €1,065 (a girl can dream) Realistic goal (2): River Island €73

3 Shirt Vintage Hawaiian shirts are an all-year round piece. These guys are no longer the accessories of a tacky tourist! They come in great patterns and are a very universal fit. Can be worn as pictured to add some colour under a cropped jumper and tucked into a pair of Levis they will bring you perfectly into Spring. Tola Vintage, Temple Bar, Dublin around €22

4 Cropped Jumper Big slouchy jumpers are all well and good for chilling at home but this season it has been great to see a more tailored version with the cropped knit. They are a neater fit and work much better with our high-waist skirts and jeans. Alterations shops have popped up all over the country so bag up your old jumpers and breath some new life into your wardrobe or for a quick fix hit up. TopShop €36

5 Runners The Air Max is having its second coming and if they were good enough for Zac Morris, The Fresh Prince and Michael Jordan they are good enough for us! Nike Air Max €110 Schuh