Have your say: Is Kevin Vickers a ‘hero’?

The Canadian ambassador to Ireland tackled a protester at a 1916 event in Dublin

Canadian ambassador to Ireland Kevin Vickers (left) wrestles with a protester during a State ceremony to remember the British soldiers who died during the Easter Rising at Grangegorman Military Cemetery, Dublin. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire

Canadian ambassador to Ireland Kevin Vickers is being hailed by some as a "hero" after he grabbed a protester and assisted with his arrest on Thursday at a commemoration service for British soldiers killed in the Easter Rising.

"Who needs superheroes when you've got Kevin Vickers?" the former Canadian defence minister Jason Kenney tweeted. Fellow Canadian MP Michelle Rempel tweeted: "Listen world, don't mess with Kevin Vickers."

Others hailed his exploits under a newly-acquired nickname: The “AmBadAssador”.

A protester has been arrested after disrupting a military ceremony commemorating the British soldiers who died in the Easter Rising. He was tackled by the Canadian Ambassador. Video: Ronan McGreevy

However, not everyone is pleased with his actions, with some saying it is not the role of an ambassador, as a Canada’s representative in Ireland, to act like a member of security at an official event.


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