Irish in Australia: Have you overstayed a visa?

The Irish Times would like to speak with Irish citizens who have violated visa conditions

Have you violated the terms of your Australian visa? If so we’d like to hear from you. Photograph: Thinkstock

There has been a sharp rise in the number of Irish people overstaying temporary visas in Australia in recent years. Permanent residency is becoming harder to secure, and some people simply can't afford to fly home.

ASre you currently living and/or working illegally in Australia? Or have you overstayed your visa in the past?

If so, The Irish Times would like to hear from you about your reasons and experience. To contribute, email Ciara Kenny at with Visa Overstay in the subject line, and a few sentences explaining your circumstances. Interviewees can choose to remain anonymous.

If you have violated the terms of your visa for any other reason, including criminal activity or visa fraud, we would also be interested in hearing from you. Thank you.