Life in Idaho is an outdoor enthusiast’s dream come true

Why I love living in… the north-western United States

Mark Hayden: ‘Not so long ago, this place was the real wild-west that we’ve all seen in the movies, and it is still pretty wild today.’

In 2012 I moved to the north-western United States. You'd be forgiven for not knowing where the "Gem State" of Idaho is; a lot of Americans couldn't point it out on a map either.

I planned to stay for 11 months, but almost four years later I’m still here, but now with my gorgeous fiancé Valerie, our two rescue pups, and a big American pickup truck.

To describe my life out here using some adopted slang - it’s awesome! Idaho an outdoor enthusiast’s dream come true.

The endless adventures on offer here make it so special. Not so long ago, this place was the real wild-west that we’ve all seen in the movies, and it is still pretty wild today. The rivers, lakes, mountains, canyons and coastlines have such vastness and magnificence that pictures do not do it justice.


Winter offers world renowned downhill skiing in waist-deep fluffy powder (and I’m 6ft 5”!). Cross country skiing and snowshoe hiking offer a workout that no treadmill can match. As fun as it is putting the ski boots on and hitting the slopes, shedding them at the end of the day to relax in a cosy wood cabin is even better.

In summer it’s the same wild playground, just with different toys. Trail runners, backpacks, canoes, mountain bikes and tents are brought out of storage, but you can’t forget the bear spray.

The warm summer climate is perfect for these adventures. White-water rafting down rivers, kayaking around calm mountain lakes, crazy mountain trail races, hiking in 50 degree heat to the bottom of Hells Canyon, insane trail races, desert triathlons, and the world famous Slickrock mountain biking trail in Moab are just a handful of memories I’ve made here.

I’ve seen bears, snakes, spiders, moose, elk and all sorts of other wild animals. There is a lot of novelty, fear and excitement in the need to call a park ranger office before camping to find out where the wolf pack in the region currently is. The national and state park systems in the US are incredible and allow people to easily escape to nature.

Our pups get more adventure than the average human; they even have lifejackets. It is a very romantic image, the four of us up in the mountains asleep squashed into the bed of my Dodge Ram pickup truck after a hard day on the trails, but in reality it is funny - I’m sure readers can imagine the “outdoorsy” smell!

Life for me here goes by a work hard, play hard philosophy. I came out working for Glanbia. The opportunity for growth and development here makes work life very rewarding. I enjoy working for a company with close links to Ireland, and having close interaction with other Irish people; the frequent supply of Irish chocolate making its way out to Idaho as a result of all these people flying home regularly is an added bonus.

The American people here in the North West are some of the most genuine I’ve met. I’ve been invited into their homes for family dinners (Americans really know how to cook their steaks) and I’ve even helped roast a whole hog for an annual family event.

A day doesn’t go by that I don’t miss my family and friends, the Irish food or the stunning Irish landscape, and I eagerly await every trip home. I have a great love for Ireland and hold onto my Irishness proudly, but life in Idaho is really fulfilling and incredibly exciting.