Have your say: Would you move to Ireland to work in construction?

Thousands of workers are needed but availability of housing and a possible crash are concerns

The number of people working in the construction sector in Ireland has jumped by 14 per cent, or 17,900 jobs, in the past 12 months.

The number of people working in the construction sector in Ireland has jumped by 14 per cent, or 17,900 jobs, in the past 12 months, but Ireland will need an influx of workers from abroad to meet housing targets, according to the ESRI. This may put even more pressure on an already strained housing market, however, and worries about another property crash is putting some construction workers off moving here from abroad, according to one major building company.

The Irish Times would like to hear from construction workers based overseas, or who have recently moved to Ireland. What’s your view of the sector in Ireland currently? Do you see opportunity? Are you wary of its long-term sustainability? If you have moved back, or are considering it, why do you think now is the right time, and what have your experiences been? If you are still living abroad, how does the sector and job opportunities compare where you are?

To share your opinions and experiences, please use this form. Don’t forget to tell us a little about you - where you live now, and what you do - and attach a photograph of yourself if you have one.

A selection of contributions may be published on irishtimes.com as part of our reporting.


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