Irish in America: How do you feel now about Trump?

With just days to go before the inauguration, we want to hear from readers in the US

President-elect Donald Trump has indicated that he may change rules around visa programmes popular with Irish students and workers. Photograph: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

With just days to go until Donald Trump is inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States of America, we want to hear from Irish readers living there about how they feel now about him entering the White House.

On the day of the election result, we were inundated with reaction, with the majority expressing shock and dismay. Have your opinions or expectations changed in the months since? What did you think of Mr Trump's press conference this week? What is the mood like where you live? How do you think his presidency could affect the Irish community in the US?

Yesterday it emerged that the president-elect's transition team has been considering ways to revamp the H1-B visa, a common programme for temporary Irish workers coming to the US. The future of the popular J-1 visa for students is also shaky as Mr Tump pledged to end the programme during his election campaign. The fate of undocumented people - including an estimated 50,000 Irish - is most uncertain. Are you concerned about these potential changes, or other aspects of Trump's immigration policy?

Send us your thoughts and opinions by email to, including your name, where you live, when you emigrated, your occupation and age. Photographs are optional. A selection of submissions will be published on next week. Thank you.