Irish in England: How do you feel about ‘freedom day’?

Do you feel liberated? Terrified? Both? Share your thoughts in the form in this article

Office workers without facemasks cross London Bridge in London on July 19th, 2021. Virtually all pandemic restrictions were lifted in England today but “freedom day” was met with deep concern by scientists. Photograph: Tolga Akmen / AFP

Most social-distancing rules ended in England on Monday morning at one minute past midnight. Face masks are no longer mandatory in shops or on public transport in England, limits on gathering have gone and the work from home guidance has ended.

Nightclubs, theatres and restaurants can fully reopen, while pubs are no longer restricted to table service only.

Covid-19 cases are still rising in England, and prime minister Boris Johnson – who is currently self-isolating – has asked people to be cautious in exercising these new freedoms.

So how do you feel about it? Liberated? Terrified? Both? Or somewhere in between. Share your thoughts and experiences – in 200 words or less – in the form in this article.