Living or holidaying in Europe? How are you handling the heat?

With teperatures of 48 degrees forecast, we want to hear from readers sweating through it

A woman refreshes herself in a fountain at Plaza de Espana in Sevilla as a heatwave hits Spain and Portugal. Photograph: Cristina Quicler/AFP/Getty Images

Temperatures are soaring across southern Europe, and could break the 48C record this weekend, according to forecasters. Holidaymakers bound for the Iberian peninsula have been warned of extreme heat, with the chance of the hottest temperatures ever recorded in continental Europe.

If you are living or holidaying in Spain, Portugal, or other parts of Europe where the teperatures are rising, The Irish Times would like to hear from you. How hot is it where you are? Have you experienced such heat before? How are you and others handling it? What preventative measures are being taken to keep people cool and hydrated and safe, and to prevent wildfires? Are you nervous about what's to come over the weekend?

To contribute (max 300 words), please fill out this form and attach a photograph if you have one. Don’t forget to tell us a little about yourself - where you are from originally, where you are now and what you are doing there.

A selection of responses may be published online over the weekend as part of our weather coverage.


Thank you.