Nurses abroad: What can the Irish health service learn from where you work?

We want to hear what could be done to improve retention of nurses in Ireland

What practices and policies could be adopted by the Irish health system to improve conditions for nurses working in Ireland? Photograph: iStock

As talks take place between health service management and nursing unions in an attempt to avert strike action, The Irish Times would like to hear from nurses working abroad about what can be done to address recruitment and retention difficulties in Ireland.

Why did you leave the Irish health system? Where do you live and work now, and how to pay and conditions compare? What practices and policies could be adopted by the Irish health system to improve conditions for nurses working in Ireland? What would need to change to attract you, or other nurses like you, back to work here?

You can share your views and experiences (max 200 words) using this form, attaching a photograph of yourself too if you have one.

A selection of responses may be published online and/or in print as part of our reporting.


Thank you.