Entries for trials to select teams to represent Ireland in the 2019 home international championships will close on the following dates: open trials, July 20th; women July 27th; seniors September 14th.
The open championship for the Camrose Trophy will be contested over the weekends January 4th-6th 2019 in Wales, and March 1st-3rd in England. The seniors event for the Teltcher Trophy will be played April 5th-7th in Scotland, while the women’s competition for the Lady Milne Trophy will take place at City North Hotel, Gormanstown, Co Meath, from April 12th to 14th.
In this event Ireland, as host nation, will field two teams. Entries should be submitted to CBAI headquarters, Templeogue House, Dublin 6W and must be accompanied by the required fee, €85 per player in all three categories.

The open and senior trials will be team-based and entries will be accepted from teams of four or six players. The women’s trials will be pairs-based and following the trials, the leading eight pairs will form a squad from which the national teams will be selected.
Mixed teams
The World Bridge Federation has announced the addition of a mixed teams event to the world open, women’s and senior championships which will be held in Sanya, China next year.
The European qualifier for the new competition will be played in Lisbon, Portugal between February 22nd and 28th. The Irish Bridge Union has yet to decide if and when trials will be held to select an Irish team to contest the European qualifier. Ireland’s seniors have already won a place in the world championship.
Ballina congress will be held at the Great National Hotel from Friday, July 13th to Sunday, July 15th. The programme of main events will be: Friday evening 7.30pm mixed and gala open pairs; Saturday 2pm congress and intermediate pairs; Sunday 11 am congress and intermediate team competitions . A novice pairs competition will be held on Saturday at 2.00pm subject to sufficient entries.
Entries to Huey Daly entries@ballinabridgecongress.com. Entry fee is €10 per player per session Open pairs competitions for which pre-entry is not required will be held during every session.
The first of four sessions which will comprise the summer festival of bridge at the Regent bridge club, Waterloo Road, Dublin will be played next Friday evening at 7.30pm. Entries to regentclubmanager@gmail.com