As part of our Bike to Work series, The Irish Times invited readers to send in photos of the challenges cyclists face. Here’s a selection
“This is the cycle lane near Holywell in Swords, the road to nowhere.” Sent in by Eunan Gaffney
Wed Jun 19 2013 - 20:00
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“Cycle ‘lane’, Co Laois.” The unbroken white line is the middle of the road. Sent in by Paddy McDonald.
Cemetery Road, Sligo. “It’s not quite clear who has priority here.” Sent in by Eric Plunkett
“One of my photographic observations of rules of the road broken. Not a bike in sight.” Sent in by David McPherson
“A design engineering classic right on Dublin City Council’s doorstep in Christchurch Place: two of the three car lanes are narrower than any car on the road and thus force motorists onto the adjoining cycle lanes. It’s been like this for years.” Sent in by Patrick Stanley