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Wine news

Wine news

Enowine in Dublin's IFSC and Monkstown has a number of interesting events coming up. On Tuesday, October 14th, they will host a four-course dinner in the Eno Wine Bar in the IFSC, featuring wines from the respected négociant house of Maison Champy. Tickets are €75 per person. Contact Philippe on 01-6054912.

On Thursday, October 16th, the Enowine shop in the IFSC will host their monthly Icon tasting, which allows customers to taste eight of the very best wines of a particular region. Tasting measures cost from €2.50 to € 5. This month will concentrate on the great wines of Italy, and Tuscany in particular. Contact Håkan on 01-6360616. The action switches to Enowine in Monkstown on Thursday, October 30th, where you will be able to taste a range of cheeses and wines chosen to provide the perfect match. Tickets cost €30 per person. Contact Jacquie on 01-2303500.

The newly refurbished Vineyard on 4 Quay St in Galway will be unveiled on October 23rd-25th, following an unfortunate accident. Drop in to taste a few wines. The same retailer will hold its annual wine fair in the Westwood Hotel on November 26th. Contact Frank Kineen on 091-561816.