Donal's duck: reasons to be thankful

Recipes for Thanksgiving - that all-American holiday - are filled with spice and warmth

Spiced duck with figs. Photographs: Donal Skehan

We live in a world of constantly changing circumstances. I plan the recipes for this column in advance, choosing dishes that will fit around particular occasions and taking inspiration from the seasons and from new discoveries.

In this case, I am sharing a menu I had intended to be cooking to celebrate our first Thanksgiving in our new home in Los Angeles, California. I thought we'd be surrounded by new friends, discussing what we were grateful for.

Unforeseen circumstances

Due to unforeseen circumstances, instead we will be in Dublin, surrounded by family and familiarity, to celebrate this all-American holiday.

While plans and events invariably shift, opportunities also present themselves. For instance, because we didn't return to the US, I was able to visit Malawi in Africa, with the charity Concern, learning about the work they do to help communities throughout the country.


Malawi has been hit hard by drought and climate change, causing massive problems for poverty-stricken areas, including malnutrition, access to clean water and failed crops.

Grounding experience

The trip was an incredibly grounding experience in understanding the very serious needs of a nation. Despite the adversity, there were so many positive stories shared too. Kindness to others, the warmth of the people and hope for a better future were all key messages we left Malawi with.

On the last day of our journey, we woke to the news of who would be America’s next president. Like many, I was disappointed to learn that a candidate who ran an election based on anger had won: a message that was so far from the experiences we had in Malawi.

But, I do realise you are here for the food, and not my philosophical ramblings, so I share these recipes with you in honour of the American holiday the core message of which is to give gratitude for what we have.