Eunice Power: Cracking Easter desserts

Chocolate and eggs make a tasty yet light cake and rhubarb goes into a great posset

It seemed to happen overnight, rain ceased, floods subsided and gradually disappeared, the evenings suddenly stretched, temperatures warmed up a little and with that, the rhubarb peeked above ground .

This was a true awakening, a reminder that Mother Nature is arising from her slumber, stretching and shaking away the remnants of the long wet winter months.

I was thrilled to see my favourite springtime friend in the garden, heralded by daffodils with wild garlic bursting through the ground in its wake.

The first of the rhubarb is the best, delicate and pink stems protected by huge leaves. My rhubarb loses its pinkness and its refined texture toward the end of April, giving way to a greener coarser plant.


As I write this I make a mental note to source some new varieties of Rhubarb this year.

Easter is nice and early for 2016. I have noticed over time, that an early Easter is great in my business, it seems to kick start the year. So first on the menu this easer is Rhubarb Posset with stem ginger cookies, followed by a delicious, fun and chocolatey Easter cake.

Happy Easter!