Japanese noodle dish with a meaty Irish addition

Thick udon noodles paired with lamb are enough to put a spring in anyone’s step

I would start the stock on day one and then make the broth the following day. Photograph: iStock

I love the complexity of Japanese noodle dishes, even though making the numerous components is often a labour of love. Usually, it requires first making a stock and then making a broth and then finally cooking all the other ingredients and adding them into the broth to make a complete meal. However, if you plan over a few days, the process can be very enjoyable.

I would start the stock on day one and then make the broth the following day. The broth will keep at least a week in the fridge so you can make the actual noodles dish any time later in the week or even at the weekend.

Although there are at least eight varieties of noodles in Japan, there are three major varieties. These are ramen, soba and udon. Ramen are perhaps the most famous wheat noodles in the world and are inextricably linked to the dish of the same name. Soba is a buckwheat noodle about the same thickness as ramen. My favourite is the thickest one, udon, and they can be enjoyed hot or cold.

Lamb with udon noodles

For the lamb stock: roast 2kg of lamb bones until nicely browned. Place in a pot with 25g ginger, one whole head of garlic, one star anise and one bay leaf. Bring to the boil. Simmer for three to four hours and then strain.


For the broth: measure two litres of lamb stock into a pot and add 200g of shiitake mushrooms, 30g white miso, 1tbs brown sugar, 75ml soy sauce, 2tbs oyster sauce, 2tbs bonito vinegar. Simmer for one hour. Strain and reserve a few of the shiitake mushrooms for the finished dish. Blanch 280g of udon noodles in salted boiling water. Strain and then refresh in cold water.

Fry 200g of lamb loin in oil until nicely brown and then remove from the pot and let it rest. Add 100g of sliced mushrooms.

Place the noodles in a bowl and pour the hot broth over them. Place the lamb on top and garnish with some fresh coriander, finely sliced snow peas and a little sesame oil.