Join the fifth Dublin Gastronomy Symposium from home

Five-day think tank goes online and offers free attendance

Take part in a discussion on the future of food, from the comfort of home. Photograph: iStock

Food and Disruption: What shall we eat tomorrow? The theme for the fifth Dublin Gastronomy Symposium could not be more topical. The biennial event has moved online, and runs next week, from Monday to Friday.

The initiative, from Technological University Dublin, brings together a global community of academics, chefs and food enthusiasts from 17 countries who will present 50 papers, and this year it is completely free to attend.

Tim Lang, Professor of Food Policy at City University London, will give the keynote address and over the five days there will be a huge range of food-related topics covered, with three live sessions each day.

Online attendance is free, however it is necessary to register in advance. You can sign up here and each session is limited to 150 participants. The complete programme is available at

