Chargrilled pineapple with coconut and lime ice-cream

Chargrilled pineapple with coconut and lime ice-cream
Serves: 4
Course: Dessert
Cooking Time: 0 hr 20 mins


  • 1 pineapple, top and outside skin cut off
  • Sunflower oil
  • Caster sugar (as required)
  • 250ml cream
  • 75ml coconut cream (or creamy part of coconut milk)
  • 75ml condensed milk
  • ¼tsp salt
  • 30g dessicated coconut
  • Zest of a lime
  • 100g dark chocolate, chopped
  • 75ml cream
  • Fresh strawberries
  • Marshmallows

1 For the coconut ice-cream: in a bowl, whisk the cream until stiffly whipped.

2 Meanwhile, in a second, medium-sized bowl, whisk together the coconut milk, condensed milk and salt. Initially whisk in half the whipped cream to combine, then fold in the remaining whipped cream, dessicated coconut and lime zest. Place in the freezer, uncovered, for at least six hours until set (no need to churn). Once set, store covered with a tight-fitting lid in the freezer.

3 For the chocolate fondue: heat the cream to just below boiling point. Place the chopped chocolate in a bowl and immediately pour the hot cream over the chocolate, leave it to sit for 30 seconds before stirring slowly to a velvety smooth consistency.

4 To chargrill the pineapple: cut it lengthways, first in half, then into sixths (or eighths). Slice away the core from the length of each wedge and brush them all over with sunflower oil and coat lightly with sugar. Wipe the barbecue clean and heat until it is very hot. Grill the pineapple wedges on either side for five minutes, turning half way through to create a criss-cross pattern. They are best served immediately, but if making them in advance, wrap them in tinfoil and reheat later.

5 To serve: Gently warm the chocolate fondue until molten and suitable for dipping. Insert skewers into the pineapple wedges and strawberries and place them next to the bowl of hot chocolate sauce so your guests can help themselves.

Variations: Flavour the coconut ice-cream with rum for a piña colada-style pineapple dessert. Or toast the dessicated coconut before adding it to the ice-cream.