Clementine and stout Christmas pudding

Guinness and clementine Christmas pudding. Photograph: Harry Weir
Serves: 8
Course: Dessert
Cooking Time: 4 hrs 0 mins


  • 110g plain flour
  • 2tsp mixed spice
  • ½tsp ground nutmeg
  • ½tsp ground ginger
  • Pinch of salt
  • 90g breadcrumbs
  • 90g suet
  • 110g dark brown sugar
  • 225g sultanas
  • 225g raisins
  • 55g mixed peel
  • 2 eggs
  • 1tbs treacle
  • 4tbs apple brandy
  • 1 small apple, grated
  • 150ml Guinness
  • 2tbs marmalade
  • 1 clementine
  • Butter, for greasing

1 Start by mixing all of the dry ingredients together in a large bowl – sift in the flour, salt and spices, and add the breadcrumbs, suet, brown sugar, dried fruit and mixed peel.

2 In a separate bowl or jug, whisk together the eggs, treacle, apple brandy, grated apple and Guinness. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and mix well until everything is thoroughly combined.

3 Grease a one-litre pudding basin with a little butter, and spoon the marmalade into the bottom of the basin. Slice the clementine into ¼cm slices and arrange in a circle on top of the marmalade, with the slices overlapping slightly. Pour the pudding mix into the basin and cover with a square of buttered foil. Layer another piece of foil on top and secure tightly with twine.

4 Place the pudding in a steamer or on top of an upturned plate in a heavy saucepan filled halfway with boiling water and steam for four hours. If steaming in a saucepan, top up with water regularly.

5 Leave to cool and remove the foil. Cover with a layer of fresh foil and store in a cool place.

6 To serve, steam again for another hour before turning out.

Aoife Noonan

Aoife Noonan

Aoife Noonan is a pastry chef and culinary consultant. She writes a weekly baking column for the Irish Times Magazine