
The freshness of the parsley makes this a special dish. Photograph: Emma Jervis
Serves: 6


  • 150g bulgar wheat/cracked wheat
  • 200g spring onions
  • 100g to 150g parsley
  • 30g mint leaves
  • 2 lemons, zest and juice of
  • 175ml olive oil
  • Salt and pepper

This is one of my favourite salads when spring onions and parsley are plentiful. The freshness of the parsley makes this a special dish. Remember not to chop your herbs too fine as you are loosing the flavour as you chop. Green in your bowl not on your board.

I don’t add tomatoes as I find they don’t travel well, but you can always add them just before eating.

1. Soak the bulgar in cold water for 20 minutes.

2. In the meantime, chop the spring onions and herbs (not too fine) and add to a large bowl.

3. When the bulgar is soaked add to the herbs followed by the lemon zest, juice and olive oil.

4. Mix everything very well and season with salt and pepper. Allow to stand for about an hour until the wheat absorbs the dressing and the grains become tender. Taste again and add more seasoning if needed.

5. Ideally served with cos salad leaves which can be used to scoop up the salad.