‘We have given up fast food. Not that I feel any healthier for it’

My Daily Diet: Peter Feeney (69), Ireland’s press ombudsman

Peter Feeney, Press Ombudsman. Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

7am Five mornings a week I do some exercises and stretching to keep my knees and back ticking over. Weekdays my breakfast is parsimonious – muesli and fruit juice. At the weekend I add coffee and toast. I'll listen to the news and after a read of the papers I'm on the bike, rain or shine, into my office on Dublin's Pearse Street.

9am I'll have a black coffee, no sugar, and a couple of chocolate digestive biscuits at some stage in the morning.

1pm I usually cycle home to Ranelagh and lunch with my wife Mary; which means I clock up 16km on the bike every day. I've been cycling in Dublin for more than 30 years and, if you are careful, it's an efficient and safe way to get around. As well as the exercise factor, a big plus for me is that I can time my journey exactly which makes planning my day easier. With every other mode of transport you are at the mercy of Dublin traffic, bar walking, which would be my second choice of transportation.

I did have my first significant fall off the bike in November and could not cycle for two months and I really missed it. Luckily, I had my helmet on, otherwise it would have been more serious. Lunch could be a salad with lettuce, beetroot, tomatoes, walnuts, goat’s cheese or hummus, sometimes ham or scrambled eggs. I’ll have bread, not necessarily whole grain though never sliced pan, usually a nice roll. I’ll have another coffee. If I am eating out it will be simple – a sandwich or a salad.


4pm I don't drink enough water. I've tried but I just don't like the taste. If I'm at a meeting I'll have a small glass of fizzy water and that's it. I'll avoid coffee in the afternoon.

7.30pm In the past few years we have cut down on red meat and now would have fish two or three times a week, and chicken twice a week. Dinner could be fish pie or grilled chicken or fish with green veg and rice. We would have red meat once or twice a week; most likely mince in a lasagna or moussaka. Never burgers, we have given up fast food. Not that I feel any healthier for it. We would open a bottle of wine and enjoy that over two days so that's about two glasses for me and one for Mary each evening.

10pm I'm a night snacker and if I am being good it's an apple but more likely I'll have some dark chocolate or crackers and cheese (we don't keep biscuits in the house to avoid temptation). I'll usually be in bed for 11.15, though Mary will stay up later, and I fall asleep quickly, providing I don't have to be up for something at an especially early hour the next morning – then it's harder to nod off.


Dr Conor Kerley, dietitian and lecturer

Fruit Peter should aim for freshly squeezed juice or, if shop-bought, go for the "not from concentrate" option. One major healthful component of fruit is fibre which is missing from juice so perhaps some days he could have an apple instead.

Substantial salads will satisfy Goat's cheese provides protein and calcium while walnuts add omega-3 fatty acids as well as protein, fibre and much more. Beetroot is a source of iron, folic acid and antioxidants. Perhaps Peter could add fresh mint and chopped lemon to his water to see if it tempts him as he needs to drink a bit more for proper hydration.

Meat consumption Although red meat provides important nutrients such as protein, iron and B12, evidence has been accumulating that frequent consumption contributes to many health problems, including early death. Most health authorities recommend lowering red meat consumption while increasing plant sources of protein such as legumes/beans and nuts.

Peter says he doesn’t feel any healthier after cutting down on red meat. Sometimes when we change our diet in a beneficial way, we may not feel better straight away but we may get healthier on the inside and we need to keep that in mind and keep up the healthy habits. Good health should never be taken for granted.