Ask Roe: Send your sex and relationship questions anonymously

Have a burning query for our expert? Submit it for answer by Roe McDermott

Dear Roe: have a sex or relationships question for our expert Roe McDermott? Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

Roe McDermott writes a weekly column in the Irish Times Magazine in which she answers readers’ queries about sex and relationships. If you have a problem or query you would like her to answer, you can submit it anonymously using the form below.

Roe is a writer, journalist and Fulbright scholar with an MA in journalism, an MA in sexuality studies from San Francisco State University and an MFA in creative writing from University College Dublin. She studied sexual, gendered and intimate citizenship at the Open University and Oxford. She is also a writing teacher, essayist and Next Generation Artist.

We regret that personal correspondence cannot be entered into, and only questions selected for publication can be answered. Thank you.