Ditch the excuses and join us for Get Running

The Irish Times has plans for absolute beginners as well as new 5km and 10km programmes

You can sign up from today at irishtimes.com/ getrunning. Dig out your running shoes, round up your running buddies and start getting into the routine by walking for 30 minutes. For more inspiration and motivation, join us on facebook.com/ irishtimesrunning and on Twitter @IrishTimesRun.

It’s time to say goodbye to the couch and the last of the Christmas chocolates. January is the most popular time of the year to sign up to gyms, fitness classes and healthy-eating food plans. Why do so many people lapse into old habits by the end of the month? With such an array of fitness options available, it is clearly not the exercise that is the problem. Motivation, busy lifestyles and old habits make us struggle. Put simply, it is too easy to make excuses.

There will always be housework, family commitments, deadlines, meetings and laundry to be done. If you are serious about feeling better you have to place your own health and wellbeing as high a priority as many of the tasks on your to-do list.

Carve out the time in your day for exercise and your body and your family will thank you for it. We are all busy and under pressure at home and at work. We can accept this and complain about how much we have to do, or we can make the decision to make a change for our wellbeing.

Finding an exercise you enjoy is half the battle. You will never stick to a fitness routine if you don’t enjoy it. This time last year, more than 13,000 people decided to try something new and to start running with our support.


What a year for Get Running

Little did we know last January how successful Get Running would be. Now more than 13,000 people have signed up and learned to run though our online eight-week Get Running beginners’ programme. I designed this programme especially for people who are completely new to running or who have not exercised for a long time. It has been a pleasure to support so many new runners and hear how running has changed their lives for the better. We added two programmes for more advanced runners for 5km and 10km distances, helping runners stay on track and to keep running injury free throughout the year.

Want to become a runner?

Next week we will relaunch our Get Running beginners' programme. If you would like to start running, but know you may struggle to stay motivated, let us help you along the way. The programme will take you from your armchair right up to 30 minutes' running in just eight weeks. I will be there to support you each week with emails and videos, hints and tips to keep you on track. I will also have regular Question and Answer sessions on irishtimes.com and articles in Health+Family. If you can walk 30 minutes briskly now, and are injury free, you are the perfect candidate for our programme. We will start out by walking and gradually build up to running. All we ask you is to pop on your running shoes three times a week and take 30 minutes out of your day. If you prioritise those 30 minutes, we promise to get you running comfortably for 30 minutes nonstop by Easter.

How to get started

If exercise is too complicated or time-consuming, it is easy to make excuses and give up. The key is to start small and build up a routine. If you would like to start running, but never seem to have the time, the energy or even the confidence to get going, let’s put an end to the excuses and get started. Let us be your support crew and help you on those days when you would rather stay in on the couch. We all feel better after a run; the hardest part is getting started and staying motivated.

Make a commitment to prioritise your wellbeing. No one else will do it for you. You have to be strong and ignore the temptations of old habits, but the benefits are so much more than physical. The clear head, the sense of wellbeing and feeling of accomplishment can change not only your day but your attitude to life. Don’t let another year pass you by. It’s time to get up off the couch, get moving, get motivated and Get Running.