Have your say: What is your experience of attending a hospital in Ireland?

Smaller hospitals rated highest by patients, while larger hospitals tended to rank lower

In an national survey released on Monday, it was revealed that 3 per cent of emergency department patients waited at least two full days to be admitted to a ward. Less than one-third of patients were admitted within six hours.

The National Patient Experience Survey found patients’ overall experience varied greatly depending on which Irish hospital they attended.

We would like to hear about your experience of attending a hospital in Ireland, on whatever issue you would like to highlight.

Issues such as:
– How long you (or a friend or relative) spent in the emergency department;
– how you were cared for and treated on a ward;
– Privacy, examinations, diagnosis, treatments and discharge.
– Cleanliness and food quality;


We will publish a selection of the submissions.

Thank you.

Damian Cullen

Damian Cullen

Damian Cullen is Health & Family Editor of The Irish Times