Health Scan

Dr Eva Orsmond

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?
I think I do except when on holidays as it is difficult to keep to the normal routine.

On my last holiday to Australia I would keep a bag of carrots with me and nibble away on these to fight the temptation, especially my sweet tooth, when peckish.

How often do you exercise?

I aim to do at least 20 minutes of exercise every day. I split this into 10 minutes of cardiovascular exercise. This can be dancing, aerobics, swimming, Nordic walking or running.

Anything really to get your heartbeat up and makes you sweat slightly. When travelling and short of time I do this at the airport – running to my departure gate! I spend the other 10 minutes doing weight training. I target the areas of the body that needs it the most.


I believe in this regime and I think it is easy to follow.

Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day?

I get at least the recommended minimum of 500g (1.1lb) a day but try to aim for much more as I feel better on a high-fibre diet.

Do you worry?
A lot – especially recently. I am a mother of two teenage boys and my husband has been sailing the world seas for the past four months – so I think I have a legitimate reason to worry.

What do you do to relax?
I love healthy and tasty food. Also, inventing and experimenting with new low calorie recipes are my passion and hobby.

What's your worst habit?
I like white wine – Sauvignon Blanc, and preferably South African. I am battling to stay under the recommended less than two daily units.

Dr Eva Orsmond 's new book 10lb Diet: A Fast Plan, A Slow Plan is out now.

In conversation with Colin Gleeson