Health Scan: Ross Lewis

Ross Lewis: says his worst habit is not listening enough.

Do you have a healthy lifestyle?
I hadn't a healthy lifestyle up until about five or six years ago. I'm not extremely healthy but I do the very best I can. Because I'm a chef, there are a lot of long hours involved and in the early days it was constant stress and lots of coffee. It got to a point where I just had to stop. Now I try to look after myself as much as I can. I eat pretty healthy except at the weekends when I reward myself a bit.

How often to you exercise?
I try to exercise three times a week. I go the Educo Gym where I have a 20-minute routine. It's quite intensive. It's built around resistance machines and it suits my regime because it's compact.
Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day?
Recently I've started to focus on making sure I get them all in. I think eating vegetables is going to become more popular as restaurants are moving more towards them because there's an infinite palette of flavours.

Do you worry?
Constantly. I have a high- performance business with 43 staff, young children and a family. Trying to keep everything going does worry me. I find the exercise helps me not to stress or worry. If I go long periods without exercising, I find I get stressed more easily. As you get more comfortable in your line of work, you tend not to stress as much. But my business requires upholding people's expectations of it, which can be quite difficult.

What do you do to relax?
It comes down to family stuff really. We go to the park on a Sunday and buy food from the traders. Sometimes we go for walks up the Sugar Loaf or we swim at Seapoint. Two or three times a year I like to go away and see some real world-class restaurants for inspiration.


What's your worst habit?
Not listening enough.

Ross Lewis's new book about his Michelin-Star winning restaurant, Chapter One: An Irish Food Story, is out now