My Running Life: David Burke

David Burke: ‘I do three 5k runs during the week and a longer [10k+] run on Saturday or Sunday.’

When did you start running and why?
I was inspired by a friend who had planned to run in the 2009 Dublin marathon but tragically passed away before it. His race number was carried over the final mile by his wife and daughter and I remember thinking that marathon running was something I wanted to do. Once I began, I was bitten by the running bug.

What has been your biggest achievement? My biggest achievement really was my first year of running. I really focused. I ran my first 10k in April 2010. In October, I completed my first Dublin City Marathon.

What's the one thing you would change about running?
I like to run outdoors as often as possible as I really enjoy the fresh air, etc. However, the
frequently rainy Irish climate sometimes makes it impossible to run outdoors.

Where's your regular run route?
I live near the Phoenix Park so my regular run route begins as soon as I leave my front door. The ideal time to run in the park is during the spring and the summer, but you can always find a route that allows you to enjoy the park all year around.


What's your regular training schedule?
Generally I do three 5k runs during the week and a longer (10k+) run on Saturday or Sunday. It depends if I am training for anything in particular. On the days that I am not running, I do some gym-based core work and swimming. It's important to get a couple of days rest in there too.

What are you training for?
This year I hope to do several half-marathons, including Madrid in April and Stockholm in May. The Dublin marathon is on my horizon as well. What do you wear on your feet?
I've just switched from Asics to Nike Flyknit Lunar 1+ ,which are pretty amazing.

Have you any niggly injuries?
I suffer from runner's knee if I increase my running distance without incrementally building toward a longer distance.

What's on your iPod when running?
I like to update my music playlists weekly as, sadly, running is the only time when I get the chance to really listen to music. Right now I am running to Disclosure, Duke Dumont and Janelle Monae.

What's your most embarrassing running moment?
Less than one month into my initial training when I picked up running, I fell off a treadmill. Twice. In one session.

What's your favourite running book?
I am not really familiar with many running books but I really enjoyed Murakami's What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. The central theme of the book – discovering oneself through running – really resonated with me.

Have you ever been chased by an animal?
Lots of times particularly in country lanes where over-excitable dogs have gone nuts at the sight of a running stranger.

What's your favourite running tip?
Get fitted for running shoes properly by an expert. Once I did this, it made a huge difference to my running in terms of stability and helped address the niggling knee problem I was having.

David Burke is general manager of Universal Pictures International Ireland, the film distribution arm of NBC Universal.